Many construction companies are required not only to have health & Safety programs but to be in good standing with organizations before bidding on certain jobs. To ensure your company remains in good standing and to ensure you have health & safety protection within your organization, we offer the following services.
Code White: Responding to Aggressive/Violent Behaviour
This course focuses on a team intervention response to a situation in which an individual (customer/client/patient) is behaving in a potentially dangerous/aggressive manner towards themselves or others and the situation is escalating or has the potential for escalating beyond the abilities of the person dealing with the situation.
Crisis Intervention: Recognition & Management of Hostility and Violence
This course is designed to equip the participant with the tools and knowledge to enable them to interact with an individual who may be experiencing a crisis. Individuals in crisis often respond to a sense of helplessness and loss of control through withdrawal, depression, attempted suicide, or overtly through angry outbursts and/or violent attacks.