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  • Workplace Violence Prevention Program Development

    Workplace Violence Prevention Program Development

    Ennis Safety, Security & Consulting Group Occupational Health and Safety Consultants have the Certification, expertise and experience to assist organizations in the development, and implementation, of their Workplace Violence Prevention Program.

    For further information please contact one of our Consultants at Ennis Safety, Security & Consulting Group, 8-11 Calkin Drive, Kentville, N.S., B4N 3V7
    Telephone 902-678-1510

  • Workplace Violence Prevention

    Workplace Violence Prevention

    A Workplace Violence Prevention Plan is required at Nova Scotia workplaces for which a significant risk of violence is identified through a violence risk assessment. This course will enable participants to: have a better understanding of workplace violence; conduct a Violence Risk Assessment; prepare a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan; reduce the risk of workplace violence; how to improve workplace safety; and what the organization can do to help recover from a violent workplace event.

    Course duration: 1 day

  • Hazard Recognition

    Hazard Recognition

    This course focuses on three key elements of an effective Occupational Health and Safety Management System: recognizing, assessing, and controlling hazards. Recognizing hazards, assessing their risk and implementing an effective control before incidents occur keeps workers safe. Components of this course include job task analysis and the hierarchy of controls. The Hazard Recognition course is a natural progression from the Workplace Inspection course as it deals with hazards in a more detailed manner.

    Course duration: 1 day

  • Workplace Inspections

    Workplace Inspections

    One of the key components to a safe workplace is regular workplace inspections. This course covers topics such as: conducting workplace inspections, preparing for an inspection, how to conduct an inspection, the types of workplace inspections, reporting and follow-up. Workplace on-site courses may include an actual hands-on workplace inspection.

    Course duration: 1 day
